physical attraction

美 [ˈfɪzɪkl əˈtrækʃn]英 [ˈfɪzɪkl əˈtrækʃn]
  • 网络吸引力;身体吸引;身体的吸引
physical attractionphysical attraction


a desire for sexual intimacy
Synonym: sexual desire eros concupiscence


  1. When my friend asked me " What will make this love last ? " I ran through all the obvious reasons : commitment , shared interests , unselfishness , physical attraction , communication . Yet there 's more .


  2. Of course , physical attraction is essential in any relationship .


  3. There was obviously a great physical attraction between them .


  4. Physical attraction is an important part of both infatuation and love .


  5. You can think of it as physical attraction .


  6. Obviously the physical attraction is strong , as is the intellectual interest .


  7. " IT " can be a quality of the mind as well as a physical attraction .


  8. Her marriage , based on physical attraction merely , is doomed to failure .


  9. The thing is , you need to be able to build on physical attraction in increasing amounts .


  10. You got a lot of physical attraction I can 't deny , but can you guarantee me satisfaction .


  11. I hope the first tip did not make you think that there has to be no physical attraction , because there does .


  12. The second DNA test looks to determine physical attraction based on the human leukocyte antigen system , which regulates the immune system .


  13. Physical attraction was the top priority for men in France , Brazil , Greece , Japan and Britain .


  14. Various novels , articles , and stories have used this slang term to show a physical attraction one person has toward another .


  15. This is physical attraction with close bonding but no commitment , Romeo and Juliet when they first met .


  16. Over the years , I have written articles about different features that can increase physical attraction , making an individual more handsome or beautiful .


  17. But in reality men and women were equally inspired by physical attraction and equally inspired by earning power or ambition .


  18. At this stage in their lives most women are focused on their careers , but physical attraction and sexual compatibility are most important .


  19. In matters of love , he believes there are three components : physical attraction , money , and communication , the most important of these currently being physical attraction .


  20. My dear friends , do you believe that two strangers may be sparked quickly by physical attraction because of some sort of natural attraction we can 't explain ?


  21. It is faith and emotional liaison instead of physical attraction and desire that is emphasized in the story as well as in many other Chinese folktales about love .


  22. Now , what if you have intimacy , we share secrets with each other , but there 's no particular physical attraction but we are really committed to this relationship .


  23. ' Studies of online dating suggest that physical attraction is a key factor in early relationship formation , but say little about the role of attractiveness in longer-term relationships , ' the researchers say .


  24. When my friend asked me " What will make this love last ? " I ran through all the obvious reasons : commitment , shared interests , unselfishness , physical attraction , communication .


  25. Sites are dedicated to picking partners based on religion , dining preferences , pure physical attraction and the good , old-fashioned values of cowboy life ( at , of course ) .


  26. A leading academic has suggested that the sexualisation of our culture has turned people off sexual feelings , to the extent that millions do not have physical attraction to others at all .


  27. A great PUA will demonstrate his value while producing enough attraction so that he has a chance to either demonstrate more value or seduce and fuck her ( producing deeper level physical attraction ) .


  28. It 's best if you don 't know what that is or even if you do mistakenly attribute it , misattribute it , to physical attraction , romance , intimacy , passion and commitment , it 's love .


  29. Alan must have found it a relief to be with someone who did not reject his sexual advances , although it was always clear that James aroused in him neither deep feelings , nor a special physical attraction . The relationship was not able to develop beyond this point .


  30. To possess or use the power of attraction . physical force or magnetic attraction found in nature
